I recently spent a few days in Copenhagen and was very impressed with how livable this Scandinavian city is. And it wasn’t always so. Copenhagen has re-emerged over the past 30 years from a somewhat nondescript industrial city to a beacon of outstanding new architecture and a haven for foodies. Their Noma won best restaurant in the world so many times, it had to be removed from the competition. The architecture and housing is accessible to all with renters and homeowners living together in a very egalitarian society. Almost all spaces are public spaces including schoolyards and business parks. Lines are not drawn. Green space, water views, good architecture (not to mention sustainable) is provided for all regardless of income level. Another very impressive aspect of the Danish society in this livable city is the emphasis placed on getting to places more easily via bicycle than by automobile. There are even certain routes and bridges accessible only by bicycle that foster a much more economical means of travel. The guide on our architectural bicycle tour said that this gave her a feeling of having a super power!